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Achieve New Peaks

"Neuroleap is the leading company in India offering advanced neurotechnology based  brain assessment and improvement "

IIT Indian Institute of Technology, Palakkad

" India's Brain Enhancer "


" The Brain Enhancer… one of the most advanced brain training tools to monitor brain waves  ”


Incubated at

“ If you want better sleep, memory and focus, and lower stress and anxiety, you may want to sample Neuroleap ”

“ Pioneering experience…leading companies in India in
Brain Computer Interface and its applications…”

IIT Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi

Award for the 'Best Mental Health Technology Solution'

" The whole process at the sub conscious level allows brainwaves to correct themselves .”



Advanced Neuro Technology based Sub Conscious Brain Function Assessment & Enhancement 

No Medication

Completely Safe

Non Invasive

No Electric Current

No Questions

No Magnetic Waves

No Side Effects



Sharper Focus Overcome Depression |Better Memory| Deeper Attention | Restful Sleep Lower Anxiety | Lower Hypertension | Reduced Stress | Improved IQ | Enhanced Creativity  | Greater Concentration | Emotional Balance | Quit Smoking  |Stop Alcohol Abuse Enhance Mental Fitness | Increase Self Discipline | Control Food Cravings  | De-Addiction | Lose Weight by Enhancing Your Brain

ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia & Learning Disorders | Addiction, Alcoholism, Smoking & Substance Abuse | Anxiety & Phobias | Attachment Disorder | Autism, Asperger's, Developmental Delays | Bipolar Disorder | Chronic Fatigue &  Brain Fog Defiance & Conduct Disorders Of Children | Dementias & Age-Related Declines | Depression & Mood Disorders | Eating Disorders | Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Disorders | Insomnia & Sleep Disorders | Migraines & Cluster Headaches | Menopause | OCD & Obsessive Thinking | PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | Seizures | Stroke & Traumatic Brain Injury Tinnitus: Ear Ringing


Brain Assessment & Enhancement


The Authentic Brain Map

The most objective way to understand your in depth subconscious brain patterns that are responsible for your feelings, emotions, behaviour, habits, perceptions, personality, cognitive abilities: anxiety, attention, mood, memory, executive functions, chronic pain, decision making, addiction & many more areas.    

For students / those under 18: in addition to other networks, we also show predicted neuropsychological IQ & learning disabilities


No need to answer any personal questions or disclose any confidential details about yourself to any person / paper / mobile app / software. The entire sub conscious brain assessment is on the basis of objective data from the brain.

Process flow

  • You sit in a comfortable chair at our centre and our team places sensors all over your head as per global standards

  • The sensors simply read your brainwaves for about 30 minutes. You sit with your eyes closed. Nothing is passed into your brain in any manner. You can leave once this is done.

  • Then our Neuro electrophysiologist oversees your brainwave data.

  • You have an in depth consultation with leading neuroscientist about your subconscious brain map (within 24 hours).

What makes NeuroLeap Unique

Why the subconscious brain?
95 to 99% of who you are is your subconscious brain. for example: anxiety, response to stress, depression, inability to pay attention are all part of subconscious issues. No one consciously makes an effort to feel anxious, sad or be inattentive. Your habits, emotional patterns, attitudes are not something you can accurately measure based on recording your immediate mood or attention based task. Those are superficial and change every moment based on many external and internal factors like stress, noise, sleep etc.


Transformational Subconscious Brain Enhancement

The enhancement sessions use the same technology as the assessment. You sit comfortably in the chair with all the sensors on your head. Your eyes are open this time and you look at a tv screen. Each session lasts about 30 -35 minutes 

The series of sessions helps improve your subconscious patterns with better activity & functionality, facilitates self-regulation in the brain, calms the nervous system, reduces or eliminates symptoms and enhances the subconscious brain function. Almost any brain (age 7+) can be enhanced to function at optimal levels.  

The sessions are based on our powerful technology and deep expertise. They don't need any conscious effort like focus or tasks or gimmicky games. They directly help your subconscious patterns


The number of sessions and how often you need to do them depends upon your age, what you would like to change, any associated conditions, medications you are already on and other factors which the neuroscientist guides you with.


Completely safe: there is no electric impulse or current given, no magnetic waves, no ultrasound or any rays of any kind on the brain.

What makes NeuroLeap Unique

Completely personalized subconscious brain enhancement protocols by leading neuroscientist.
Each individual’s anxiety / depression / ptsd / attention / sleep issues are based on very specific experiences, neurobiological factors and have different brainwave patterns. After reviewing your brain function assessment and understanding your goals during the consultation session the neuroscientist creates a highly specific, technology based protocol designed especially for you for your specific brain functions based on your objective subconscious brainwave assessment data.  There is no automatic app based session. There is no AI involved. Do you really want a mobile app or ai tinkering around your brain?




We maintain absolute client privacy. We're grateful to them for publicly sharing their experiences for the larger good.

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Shri S S Mundra former Deputy Governor Reserve Bank of India

This process of brain mapping was a valuable revelation to me. We , in general, have become quite adept about the diagnostic processes concerning Heart but are equally ignorant about existence of such processes touching the other most important organ of the human body i e Brain. I was amazed to see the pictorial, graphical & tabular outcomes mapping various activites, function and behaviour of the brain after undergoing the process. More importantly it is not a mere diagnostic tool but also facilitates enhancement without medication in non invasive & safe mode. I compliment you for introducing this which in a larger sense is a Public Good.

About us


We are India's leading applied neuroscience company. We're leveraging the world's best brain computer interface technology to understand the subconscious brain and help it work at optimal potential. We continually invest in development of proprietary protocols with our unparalleled expertise and track record of delivering superlative enhancement results for our clients. We leverage evidence based, proven technology which has been developed with support of DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, of the US Department of Defense), the NIH (National Institutes of Health, USA), the US Army, Navy, and Airforce. Relevant parts are US FDA registered.


S parasuraman.jpg

Mr. Kiran Karnik

Dr. R A Mashelkar

Dr. S Parasuraman
 (-September 2022)

Former Vice Chancellor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Former senior advisor to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, UNESCAP

Kiran Karnik.jpg

Dr. S Parasuraman

Mr. Kiran Karnik

Padma Shri Awardee

Former president, Nasscom
Member of the Scientific Advisory Council to Prime Minister of India

R Mashelkar.jpg

Dr R A Mashelkar

Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan & Padma Vibhushan awardee,  Chairman National Innovation Foundation, President, Global Research Alliance


Kumaar Bagrodia

  • LinkedIn

Founder, Applied Neuroscientist

Brain Computer

Interface pro

click to view profile


Mrs Rajashree Birla

Chairperson, Aditya Birla Centre

For Community initiatives & Rural Development

Ms Sminu Jindal

MD, Jindal Saw

Founder & Chairperson,


  • Why Personalised sessions?
    The underlying causes of each one's anxiety, depression, insomnia, attention or any other sub conscious behaviour is different from others even if the symptoms are the same. It is absolutely important to first understand your specific brainwave patterns with the brain assessment and then help you as precisely as possible. Understanding the brain is a complex process and to do it right requires expertise. No cookie cutter approach or short cuts for our clients!
  • Is it like a DIY Do it Yourself headband/headset process? with just a few sensors?
    No it is not a DIY process. Global standards require sensors to be placed all over the head for meaningful data from the brain. Unlike these headbands/headsets, we use the best quality of sensors, and advanced technology with high accuracy of the data collected and processed to ensure the best results. We don't use low end DIY tech. Nothing but the best and safest for your brain.
  • Is it safe? Will you use AI Artificial Intelligence / ML Machine Learning on my Brain?
    NO. We absolutely don't subject your brain to any AI or ML based process. So you can be rest assured there is ZERO risk of any biases creeping into your brain. Hey we're working with Human Intelligence...NOT Artificial Intelligence :)
  • Process is non invasive? Any laser or electric or magnetic pulses, currents or rays?
    It is a completely non invasive process and there are absolutely no pulses or electric current or any rays of any sort used.
  • Can you read my thoughts, memories, passwords or secrets?
    No. We dont have that ability
  • Is it meditation? with some sensors on the head?
    No. It's not meditation. You don't need any sensors on your head to meditate. It simply defeats the whole point.

Trusted by India's leading celebrities, achievers & top performers in business, academics, sports, creative fields & daily life.

Transform Your Life. With Complete Privacy.

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